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How to allow other roles to edit custom fields in the admin dashboard

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on July 29, 2022

There are certain times when you would need to provide additional capabilities for the other roles on your site and as an example, you might need to let them edit the custom fields from the admin dashboard. This is possible with a few customization and utilization of the Role Editor feature of WPUM.

First and foremost, enable the user role editor by following the guide from this link –Editing WordPress User Roles and Capabilities. Once this feature is enabled, proceed in Users >> Roles. Select the role you would like to grant access to edit custom fields from the admin’s dashboard then click on the Edit Capabilities action.

Upon proceeding to the Edit Capabilities window, go to the “Users” capabilities tab and grant access to “create_users” & “edit_users” capabilities, then save the changes.

After doing so,  you will need to add this snippet to your functions.php or a mu-plugin directory, to provide access to the “Custom Field” section.

add_filter( 'carbon_fields_user_meta_container_admin_only_access', '__return_false' ); <br>

Feel free to contact our support team if you will need further assistance regarding this and we’ll be glad to assist you with it.

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