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Add Facebook login and registration to WordPress

Iain Poulson avatar
Iain Poulson Last updated on March 6, 2021

Adding social login methods to your site gives users a quick and easy way to sign up and login into your site. WP User Manager allows users to register and sign up from the frontend of the site, and this can be extended with the Social Login addon.

WP User Manager is one of the most straightforward to use WordPress membership plugins available, with a large number of features that turn your WordPress site into a membership platform.


To add Facebook login to your WordPress website you need to have a Facebook account. If you have an account, go to and login with your account. 

Once you’re logged in, go to your apps and click on the “Add new app” button on the top right side of your screen to create a new Facebook app, enter the name of the app ( doesn’t matter what you type ) and then click “Create app ID”.

Now that you’ve created the app, you’ll be asked to add “products” to your app. Locate “Facebook Login” and click on “Set up”.

You’ll now be asked to select a platform. Select the option “web”. You’ll then be required to add the url of your website. Add your url into the “Tell us what the URL of your site is.” field. Then press next on all the other sections and skip them.

After you’re finished, click on “Settings” under the Facebook login app on your sidebar:

Make sure the following settings are enabled:

  • Client OAuth Login 
  • Web OAuth Login 

Locate the “Valid OAuth redirect URIs” setting and add your site url followed by ?wpumsl=facebook

There’s just one more setting left. Click on “Settings -> Basic” and take note of the “App ID” number and “App Secret” key.

You now need to add those details into your WordPress site. Login into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Users -> Settings -> General -> Social Login”. Locate the settings called Facebook Client ID (APP ID) and Facebook Secret and copy the APP ID and App Secrete from facebook into their respective fields in WordPress.

Make sure you publish your app when you’re finished.

Now you’re done! 🙂

Get started adding social logins to your WordPress site.

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