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[vc_row bg_color=”#fdfdfd” text_align=”center” top_padding=”50″ bottom_padding=”30″][vc_column width=”1/1″][minti_headline type=”h3″ size=”fontsize-l” weight=”fontweight-500″ class=”lh-14″]WP User Manager provides tools to help manage your user’s passwords.[/minti_headline][minti_button link=”” target=”_blank” color=”custom” custom_color=”#016afe” size=”large”]Get Started[/minti_button][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top_padding=”50″ bottom_padding=”50″][vc_column width=”1/2″][minti_iconbox icon=”sl-key” style=”2″ title=”Minimum Password Strength”]WP User Manager comes with an handy tool that if enabled allows you to force a certain minimum password strength upon registration or password modification.[/minti_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][minti_iconbox icon=”sl-speedometer” style=”2″ title=”Passwords strength meter”]WP User Manager comes with a visual indicator that can be displayed upon registration or password modification that notifies the user whether his password is strong enough.[/minti_iconbox][/vc_column][/vc_row]