1.3.4 - 13th July 2024

  • Fix: 2FA QR code not appearing
  • Fix: Block list not respected when users edit their email address in the account area
  • Fix: Block list not matching domains with leading @ in the list
  • Fix: 'wpum_security_passwordless_login_delay' filter to stop email systems preloading login link and expiring it

1.3.3 - 16th March 2023

  • New: Ability to disable instead of deleting users after a period of inactivity
  • Improvement: Security settings arranged into tabs for clarity
  • Fix: Password functionality not working on login form when 2FA enabled

1.3.2 - 5th January 2023

  • Fix: 2FA login step can no longer be bypassed
  • Fix: Fatal error no longer happens on the wp-login page when users can be deactivated

1.3.1 - 12th September 2022

  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WPUM_Form' not found with WP User Manager 2.8.9

1.3 - 22nd July 2022

  • New: Site admins can now deactivate users to prevent them from logging in
  • New: Site admin can now define an 'Allow list' of emails, domain and strings to restrict user registration
  • New: 'Send Passwordless login email' bulk and user row action on the Users admin table
  • Improvement: User ID now a sortable column on the Users admin table
  • Fix: 2FA login now works when backup codes enabled

1.2.3 - 19th July 2022

  • Fix: 2FA account form now saving correctly

1.2.2 - 26th May 2022

  • Fix: Passwordless login now compatible when the whole site is locked preventing access

1.2.1 - 22nd August 2021

  • Fix: Lost password links showing on login and registration forms

1.2 - 12th August 2021

  • New: Passwordless login
  • New: Last login date displayed in the user admin table

1.1.2 - 8th June 2021

  • New: Setting to allow concurrent logins from admin users
  • Improvement: Only show the password strength meter setting in the admin if strong passwords are disabled
  • Fix: Confirm password field appearing above the password field for some users
  • Fix: Password strength meter leaving a blank space under the password field

1.1.1 - 23rd April 2021

  • Fix: Fix show password field button hijacking tab order

1.1 - 12th April 2021

  • New: Two Factor Authentication support


Initial release